Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
the world most expensive gun--全世界最贵的枪...普通捕捉超速的一支镭射激光枪,竟然比飞弹还要昂贵10倍!这种笑话只有在马来西亚听得到!!!
普通捕捉超速的一支镭射激光枪,竟然比飞弹还要昂贵10倍!这种 笑话只有在马来西亚听得到!!!
难道马来西亚警察所购买的是超时光镭射枪?可以捕捉到超速飞行的 外太空生物?
爱国者防御导弹 = 售价每枚RM160,000.00
爱国者防御导弹 = 售价每枚RM160,000.00
先进地对空飞弹= 售价每枚RM2,500.00
超速镭射激光枪= 售价RM223,000.00!!!!
原帖转自: photo.php?fbid=480170385361324& set=a.257904734254558.63697.25 7361864308845&type=1&theater
See More超速镭射激光枪= 售价RM223,000.00!!!!
马来人优先权,原来是自己儿子MAMAK 仔优先权,而把马来人抛弃在后头。让马来人同胞来承受Lynas (稀土)的毒气!(好一句马来人优先!也是在骗他们自己的种族。)
Sauwee Lau and 3 others shared 海外选民's photo.
马哈迪无视人民强力抗议Lynas稀土厂的心声,挑战纳吉政府继 续实行这备受争议的稀土厂计划,毫不在意自己掌政期间批准霹雳州 红坭山亚洲稀土厂辐射的差劲纪律,背后究竟藏有什么意图?
马哈迪为Lynas稀土厂辩护是因为他对核科技和物理的知识有限 ,还是因为他的两名儿子涉及稀土厂计划?
(Mukhriz Mahathir)是国际贸易和工业部副部长,该部门负责批准L ynas稀土厂的建造工程。
另外,马哈迪的长子慕札尼(Mokhzani Mahathir)是Kencana Petroleum集团的首席执行员,该公司也涉及Lynas稀 土厂计划。
该公司旗下的Kencana Torsco私人有限公司从Lynas马来西亚私人有限公司获得 价值马币910万元的合约,以设计、制造、供应、装置和调试碳钢 和不锈钢水池。这项Lynas合约对慕扎尼而言,可说是他在19 98年亚洲金融风暴后被滑铁卢后2007年重返企业界后的意外收 获。
马哈迪了解到核废料的问题而坚持反对核电厂立场,“那为何在Ly nas计划上会有这么一个盲点?”
同时马哈迪的言论自相矛盾,他先提到医药助理和医生过去都忘记辐 射的危险而近距操作X光机器,后却声称反对核电厂,因为核废料产 生的有害辐射将会放射百万年且根本没有真正安全的方法处理掉。
“马哈迪难道不知道澳洲韦尔德山(Mt Weld,Lynas的稀土原料来源)含有钍(thorium) 和铀(Uranium)的辐射废料?钍是更危险的物质,有140 亿年的半衰期,远超过铀。它能够持续腐朽直到几亿年?”
除了辐射性,Lynas稀土厂的废料量每年足以填满126个奥林 匹克规模的游泳池,其中存有毒性危险物质如二氧化硫(sulfu r dioxide)和硝酸盐氧化物,以及重金属如毒铅(lead) 。
基于政治人物根深蒂固地偏袒自身利益,平民应该同心协力捍卫民主 权利,拒绝Lynas稀土厂这种污染环境的危险计划。。
关丹人民已经透过各种和平集会和活动清楚且大声抗议“要失去多少 生命和污染多少土地和水,我们才能够学会停止接受这些马来西亚无 法安全管理妥当的高度污染且危险计划?”
See More另外,马哈迪的长子慕札尼(Mokhzani Mahathir)是Kencana Petroleum集团的首席执行员,该公司也涉及Lynas稀
该公司旗下的Kencana Torsco私人有限公司从Lynas马来西亚私人有限公司获得
“马哈迪难道不知道澳洲韦尔德山(Mt Weld,Lynas的稀土原料来源)含有钍(thorium)
- 大马子民的敌人 (MR: M 医生)
MR : M 本身是一个医生, 他是医生不知道稀土有害吗?
还是 MR : M 为了金钱和孩子的富贵, 不顾一切的伤害大马的子民。
...( MR : M 医生)口口声声说:马来人优先权,原来是自己儿子MAMAK 仔优先权,而把马来人抛弃在后头。让马来人同胞来承受LynasSee More(稀土)的毒气!(好一句马来人优先!也是在骗他们自己的种族。 )
反公害Stop Lynas的战车被警方以非法聚会的罪名....也恳请附近区的YB前往协助此事!谢谢!
反公害Stop Lynas的战车被警方以非法聚会的罪名
反公害Stop Lynas的战车被警方以非法聚会的罪名
义士者请 PM (George Fong) george.fong.5 photo.php?fbid=446396165407439& set=a.138763852837340.24257.13 2309263482799&type=1&theater
See More明天早上10时,我们将会前往警局声讨警方!
义士者请 PM (George Fong)
- You and 25 others like this.
- Yancy Mok『Urgent/紧急消息』
Breaking news: The Himpunan Hijau Green Walk Kembara SUV's (like below) owner has been instructed by the police to present at Kepong police station at 10am tomorrow.See More
紧急消息:刚刚传来消息,1125 当天在独立广场,黄德等人站着演讲的 Kembara (如下图)车主将在明天早上 10点被警方以非法集会的罪名传召,警方竟然去到这位车主在马六甲的住家“找人”!
Friday, November 23, 2012
a new nation is born--MALYNASIA.........
不将废料副产品运回澳洲 莱纳斯考虑输往印尼泰国
根据澳洲媒体报道,莱纳斯公司目前已经不再考虑把稀土废料制成的 副产品运送回澳洲售卖,相反考虑将之输往印尼或泰国。
莱纳斯首席执行员尼可拉斯柯蒂斯表示,该公司曾向澳洲辐射保护及 核能安全局申请将副产品运回国内,希望能够说服当局相信它能够循 环再用,但是这已经不再是他们的计
根据澳洲广播电台(ABC)网站周一报导,他指出,“我们取消在 澳洲寻找合约,因为我们认为运去泰国或印尼会比较便宜。”
尼可拉斯也表示,莱纳斯已经获得准证可以在短期和长期把废料储存 在大马,但是该公司正探讨在大马循坏处理废料,作为工业用途。
“我们觉得循坏处理废料作为工业用途会更好,而我们也想要这么做 。我们的研究已经取得很好的进展,我们也知道我们的废料有市场可 以销售。这就是我们的计划,而我们正在落实当中。”
尼可拉斯之前曾表示,莱纳斯将把稀土厂的废料转换为鐵磷石膏(I ron PhosphoGypsum),并且出口到外国,以消弭大马民众 的担忧。他声称,这些副产品都是安全,并且能够运用在建筑业和农 业。
莱纳斯公司是在昨日证实他们已经将100箱稀土矿砂运抵关丹港口 ,而位于格宾工业区的稀土厂将在未来数日内开炉和启动运动。
不过,这项计划仍然继续遭到大马民间的激烈反对,绿色盛会委员会 目前正在展开“百里苦行”,并且预料将在星期天抵达独立广场举行 抗议,而另一个反稀组织拯救大马委员会也刚出席澳洲的莱纳斯股东 大会提出不满。
根据澳洲广播电台网站报道,拯救大马委员会成员在访澳期间曾经会 见绿党成员,而这些绿党成员除了关注大马的发展之外,也对辐射废 料可能运回澳洲的问题表达担忧。
绿党参议员斯科特卢得兰姆(Scott Ludlam)表示,“这是一个令人震惊的坏主意,而我反对他们 认为自己可以欺骗本地居民,指澳洲拥有安全的丢弃策略,而我们知 道这是很难的。”
卢德兰姆也表示,尽管莱纳斯很难获得当局批准运回副产品,但是这 也并非全然不可能。
“我们在书信当中看到澳洲辐射保护及核能安全局确认有关法律程序 。我认为这是史无前例的,我不想要该公司获得‘豁免牌’,可以告 诉居民‘副产品可以拿回澳洲’,而事实上他们在弗里曼特尔港口和 整个运载走廊,都会面对艰巨的法律阻碍和反对。”
“拯救大马”委员会也在今日发表文告表示,这项报道证明莱纳斯直 到现在都没有一个安全的解决方案来处理其庞大的辐射废料。
该委员会成员兰姆(Ram Govindasamy)表示,“我们已经对大马现在的政府感到 忍无可忍。他们利用公帑资助的警察来护送莱纳斯这间没有纳税的外 国公司,只是在我们的伤口上撒盐。”
“当一个政府沦落到这样的地步,我们作为人民已经没有选择,只能 用投票把它推下台。”
绿党参议员斯科特卢得兰姆(Scott Ludlam)表示,“这是一个令人震惊的坏主意,而我反对他们
该委员会成员兰姆(Ram Govindasamy)表示,“我们已经对大马现在的政府感到
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
If there is one piece of legislation we needed most, it's the Freedom of Information Act.
Islam in Malaysia will not allow a Malay to be a non-Muslim.
Some Islamic scholars however say that there is
no compulsion in the religion.
But scholars have no influence in Malaysia; only religious bureaucrats.
Nurul is brave to express an opinion; but in Malaysia,
Muslims have no right to an opinion on their own religion.
They can be punished. Only the state can issue opinions.
Do you believe that Islam has intruded into the public
sphere at the expense of democratic principles?
It's not Islam that has intruded into public sphere. It is the
proponent of tyranny and fascistleaders that has used
religion to control the apparatus of the state. Democracy
and the rule of law are endangered when you allow
such leaders to continue to rule.
Communal issues are major issues of the political
process here; do you think that Pakatan has done
enough to change this paradigm?
Pakatan strategy is clear - do not talk too much about
difficult issues; let's get to power first. So that's how
it will be. Whilst that is not the approach I would
take, I recognise that politics require many
different approaches to succeed.
I just hope that when they get to power;
they will not forget that many hard decisions have to
be made. If they then said we will wait to win the
second term before we do them; then I say let's remove them.
So yes, they have not come up with substantive
plans to change the political paradigm of the country.
Is there a difference between the racial politics of BN and Pakatan?
Racial politics in BN is clear and blatant led by Umno,
whereas racial politics in Pakatan are more diffused
and somewhat sheltered by religion and meritocracy.
What is your opinion on affirmative actionprogrammes and
do you think it nurtures a culture of entitlement?
Affirmative programmes carefully structured and guided
by transparent principles and good governance can be a
useful tool to help the poor and the marginalised
The problem we have is that the Malays no longer
see affirmative policies as privileges to be g
iven on the need basis; but as
their rights. Which Malay leaders we have now
who will dare to explain to them otherwise?
Do you think that affirmative action programmes
contributed to the ghettoisation of the public and
private sectors along racial lines?
The problem we have is the inability
of some leaders to see the long-term
pernicious effects of discrimination.
They want instant gratification and
support and so they tell the Malays
they have special rights. When you
take that path, you then will not
see you are practicing discrimination.
Only enlightened Malay leaders can tell the difference between
outright discrimination and affirmative support programmes.
The Chinese then retaliate and would gang up and support
each other, thereby making the situation worse.
It's only the Indians and other natives who are
left alone; desolate and poor.
A recent survey highlighted the racial
discrimination practices of the private sector.
Do you think that it is the role of government
through legislation to even the playing field in the private sector?
Discrimination in the workplace is rampant in the country.
It's to be expected that when the Malay-led government
practices discrimination in thepublic service ,
there will be a similar response in the Chinese-dominated private sector.
A responsible government must take all steps to end
discrimination; otherwise, Malaysia will never achieve
its true potential. It may even sow the seeds
of future instability. Legislation is required for this purpose.
What is the one piece of legislation that is desperately needed in Malaysia?
If there is one piece of
If there is one piece of
legislation we needed most
legislation we needed most,
it's the
Freedom of Information Act.
it's the
Freedom of Information Act.
operate under secrecy as
regardless who comes to power.
It's only when the leaders know the rakyat can see
what they are doing will things improve.
Some Islamic scholars however say that there is
no compulsion in the religion.
But scholars have no influence in Malaysia; only religious bureaucrats.
Nurul is brave to express an opinion; but in Malaysia,
Muslims have no right to an opinion on their own religion.
They can be punished. Only the state can issue opinions.
Do you believe that Islam has intruded into the public
sphere at the expense of democratic principles?
It's not Islam that has intruded into public sphere. It is the
proponent of tyranny and fascist
religion to control the apparatus of the state. Democracy
and the rule of law are endangered when you allow
such leaders to continue to rule.
Communal issues are major issues of the political
process here; do you think that Pakatan has done
enough to change this paradigm?
Pakatan strategy is clear - do not talk too much about
difficult issues; let's get to power first. So that's how
it will be. Whilst that is not the approach I would
take, I recognise that politics require many
different approaches to succeed.
I just hope that when they get to power;
they will not forget that many hard decisions have to
be made. If they then said we will wait to win the
second term before we do them; then I say let's remove them.
So yes, they have not come up with substantive
plans to change the political paradigm of the country.
Is there a difference between the racial politics of BN and Pakatan?
Racial politics in BN is clear and blatant led by Umno,
whereas racial politics in Pakatan are more diffused
and somewhat sheltered by religion and meritocracy.
What is your opinion on affirmative action
do you think it nurtures a culture of entitlement?
Affirmative programmes carefully structured and guided
by transparent principles and good governance can be a
useful tool to help the poor and the marginalised
The problem we have is that the Malays no longer
see affirmative policies as privileges to be g
iven on the need basis; but as
their rights. Which Malay leaders we have now
who will dare to explain to them otherwise?
Do you think that affirmative action programmes
contributed to the ghettoisation of the public and
private sectors along racial lines?
of some leaders to see the long-term
pernicious effects of discrimination.
They want instant gratification and
support and so they tell the Malays
they have special rights. When you
take that path, you then will not
see you are practicing discrimination.
Only enlightened Malay leaders can tell the difference between
outright discrimination and affirmative support programmes.
The Chinese then retaliate and would gang up and support
each other, thereby making the situation worse.
It's only the Indians and other natives who are
left alone; desolate and poor.
A recent survey highlighted the racial
discrimination practices of the private sector.
Do you think that it is the role of government
through legislation to even the playing field in the private sector?
Discrimination in the workplace is rampant in the country.
It's to be expected that when the Malay-led government
practices discrimination in the
there will be a similar response in the Chinese-dominated private sector.
A responsible government must take all steps to end
discrimination; otherwise, Malaysia will never achieve
its true potential. It may even sow the seeds
of future instability. Legislation is required for this purpose.
What is the one piece of legislation that is desperately needed in Malaysia?
If there is one piece of
If there is one piece of
legislation we needed most
legislation we needed most,
it's the
Freedom of Information Act.
it's the
Freedom of Information Act.
When governments can
operate under secrecy as
they do now, corruption
and abuse of power will continue,
regardless who comes to power.
It's only when the leaders know the rakyat can see
what they are doing will things improve.
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