阿Jib 哥上台不久就大喊经济转型,但是喊了这么久,转来又转去,过后团团转....原来就是为了安排一间又一间别的国家不要的毒厂进场。
阿Jib 哥上台不久就大喊经济转型,但是喊了这么久,转来又转去,过后团团转....原来就是为了安排一间又一间别的国家不要的毒厂进场。...查看更多
阿Jib 哥上台不久就大喊经济转型,但是喊了这么久,转来又转去,过后团

【 善忘的公主 】
公主 : 你很面善,不过我一时想不起你的名字!
青蛙 : 亲爱的公主,你怎么把我忘掉呢?
公主 : 你是九洞的许月疯吧?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是那位跳来跳去的林污灿吗?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是那位东歪西倒的再益易卜拉欣?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是巴西马依布拉欣阿里?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是峇眼色海的莫欣法兹利?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是居林峇达峇鲁的祖基菲里诺丁?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是霹雳州的查玛鲁丁?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是霹雳州的奥斯曼?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是峇央峇鲁的再林?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是高渊的沉智铭?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是旺沙玛朱的黄猪强?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 全部都不是,你到底是哪一位啊?
青蛙 : 我不就是那位亲过你的王子咯!
公主 : 哦,原来是你! 早说嘛,害我乱猜一场!
青蛙 : 好久不见,公主还好吗?
公主 : 我还好! 你呢?
青蛙 : 我也很好!
【 善忘的公主 】
公主 : 你很面善,不过我一时想不起你的名字!
青蛙 : 亲爱的公主,你怎么把我忘掉呢?
公主 : 你是九洞的许月疯吧?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是那位跳来跳去的林污灿吗?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是那位东歪西倒的再益易卜拉欣?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是巴西马依布拉欣阿里?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是峇眼色海的莫欣法兹利?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是居林峇达峇鲁的祖基菲里诺丁?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是霹雳州的查玛鲁丁?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是霹雳州的奥斯曼?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是峇央峇鲁的再林?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是高渊的沉智铭?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 你是旺沙玛朱的黄猪强?
青蛙 : 不是!
公主 : 全部都不是,你到底是哪一位啊?
青蛙 : 我不就是那位亲过你的王子咯!
公主 : 哦,原来是你! 早说嘛,害我乱猜一场!
青蛙 : 好久不见,公主还好吗?
公主 : 我还好! 你呢?
青蛙 : 我也很好!

Eye on Malaysia
上传者: 电话仔漫画 Ahfon's Comic
2012-05-15 09:06
Eye on Malaysia
上传者: 电话仔漫画 Ahfon's Comic
2012-05-15 09:06
New tipping point
2012-05-15 14:55
Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE
Sin Chew Daily
The rejected Kuokuang petrochemical investment project will be transferred to Pengerang, Johor. It is another controversial project after the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant project in Kuantan. It is believed to become an election issue, too.
Malaysia is an oil-producing country and oil has been listed as one of the national key economic sector. Therefore, it is a logical move to enter the refining and petrochemical industry, which is believed to bring huge economic benefits.
However, does it mean that the people must pay the costs of health and environment to develop petrochemical industry and gain economic wealth? Do all countries in the middle-income trap have to make sacrifices and bring in high-pollution industries?
Like the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant, people are having the same doubts over the RM36 billion petrochemical investment project. Why are we treasuring something that has been rejected by others?
The Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology Co proposed a huge petrochemical investment project in Taiwan in 2005, to build petrochemical plants in Yunlin. However, the location changed to the coast of central Zhanghua County in 2008 after failing the environment assessment. On April 22 2011, President Ma Ying-jeou announced his withdrawal of support for the project.
The Kuokuang petrochemical investment was accused of high water consumption, consuming about 400,000 tons per day, which would dry the largest wetlands of Taiwan and threaten food safety. In addition, it was estimated that 339 to 565 people would die of cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer, while patients of respiratory diseases would also increase due to the PM2.5 pollutants released into the air.
The project could create 20,000 job opportunities, but it was estimated to cost more than NT$100 billion of social cost yearly.
Eventually, political leaders listened to the public opinion and shelved the project under the strong opposition from the people, as well as environmental and ecological protection organisations.
Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir has expressed interest in the project since April last year after the project was shelved in Taiwan. Taiwan Economic Minister Shi Yanxiang also confirmed that the Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology Co does have contact with Malaysia.
It is believed that the two parties have negotiated details of the investment project since then, but the government did not consult the people and local experts. Like the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant, it lacks transparency. It could lead to a strong rebound from the civil society when the people are informed only after what is done cannot be undone.
The project had consulted public opinion and in-depth study were conducted for six years in Taiwan. As for us, isn't it too hasty to accept it without any prior studies is conducted and even before the release of the environmental assessment report?
We feel baffled if it is true that Malaysia is offering 10 years of tax-free concession as reported by Taiwan media. Why should we treat such a high-risk investment so well? The Lynas rare-earth plant enjoys 12 years of tax-free concession while the Kuokuang petrochemical plants enjoy 10 years of tax-free concession. It will not worth the candle if the country has to spend huge sums of money to repair the environment in the future.
The authorities do not seem to have learned a lesson from the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant controversy. The anti-petrochemical plant issue is expected to continue fermenting and once the forces opposing the rare-earth and petrochemical plants combine, it would be a trouble for the BN.
From a positive point of view, however, the rare-earth plant and petrochemical plant issues would raise civil awareness, which might help accelerate the country's political transformation.
Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE
Sin Chew Daily
Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE
Sin Chew Daily
The rejected Kuokuang petrochemical investment project will be transferred to Pengerang, Johor. It is another controversial project after the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant project in Kuantan. It is believed to become an election issue, too.
Malaysia is an oil-producing country and oil has been listed as one of the national key economic sector. Therefore, it is a logical move to enter the refining and petrochemical industry, which is believed to bring huge economic benefits.
However, does it mean that the people must pay the costs of health and environment to develop petrochemical industry and gain economic wealth? Do all countries in the middle-income trap have to make sacrifices and bring in high-pollution industries?
Like the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant, people are having the same doubts over the RM36 billion petrochemical investment project. Why are we treasuring something that has been rejected by others?
The Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology Co proposed a huge petrochemical investment project in Taiwan in 2005, to build petrochemical plants in Yunlin. However, the location changed to the coast of central Zhanghua County in 2008 after failing the environment assessment. On April 22 2011, President Ma Ying-jeou announced his withdrawal of support for the project.
The Kuokuang petrochemical investment was accused of high water consumption, consuming about 400,000 tons per day, which would dry the largest wetlands of Taiwan and threaten food safety. In addition, it was estimated that 339 to 565 people would die of cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer, while patients of respiratory diseases would also increase due to the PM2.5 pollutants released into the air.
The project could create 20,000 job opportunities, but it was estimated to cost more than NT$100 billion of social cost yearly.
Eventually, political leaders listened to the public opinion and shelved the project under the strong opposition from the people, as well as environmental and ecological protection organisations.
Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir has expressed interest in the project since April last year after the project was shelved in Taiwan. Taiwan Economic Minister Shi Yanxiang also confirmed that the Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology Co does have contact with Malaysia.
It is believed that the two parties have negotiated details of the investment project since then, but the government did not consult the people and local experts. Like the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant, it lacks transparency. It could lead to a strong rebound from the civil society when the people are informed only after what is done cannot be undone.
The project had consulted public opinion and in-depth study were conducted for six years in Taiwan. As for us, isn't it too hasty to accept it without any prior studies is conducted and even before the release of the environmental assessment report?
We feel baffled if it is true that Malaysia is offering 10 years of tax-free concession as reported by Taiwan media. Why should we treat such a high-risk investment so well? The Lynas rare-earth plant enjoys 12 years of tax-free concession while the Kuokuang petrochemical plants enjoy 10 years of tax-free concession. It will not worth the candle if the country has to spend huge sums of money to repair the environment in the future.
The authorities do not seem to have learned a lesson from the Lynas rare-earth refinery plant controversy. The anti-petrochemical plant issue is expected to continue fermenting and once the forces opposing the rare-earth and petrochemical plants combine, it would be a trouble for the BN.
From a positive point of view, however, the rare-earth plant and petrochemical plant issues would raise civil awareness, which might help accelerate the country's political transformation.
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