Tuesday, October 9, 2012

英國以往容許碩士或博士畢業生,可以申請為期兩年的Post-Study Visa,讓他們在可以英國找工作,但保守黨政府取消了這項政策,好讓就業機會留給英國人。


我忘記我有沒有寫過這些了。曾幾何時,我也很希望在英國找到工作,留在英國生活,可惜英國不太需要我的技能,最多只找到一些臨時工、散工找到,例如醫院做中文翻譯、去牛津大學做監考、幫City of London政府接待內地記者,更新中文網站。

City of London(中文叫倫敦金融城)的總部Guildhall,位於倫敦的Bank,我從未打過中環的工,但倒有機會越級升呢,穿西裝與倫敦金融界的人逼地鐵去Bank、去Guildhall上班,感覺還是相當不錯。City of London是世界的經濟中心,競爭來自全世界,在這裡返工也算一項成就,儘管只是一分臨時工。


認識在倫敦讀書的朋友當中,礙於運氣、礙於機會,十居其八都難逃回家的「宿命」,總有些少不甘心,他們都有一點才能,一點勇氣,押了時間、花了金錢,但始終無法改變下半生的命運,闗係、際遇比能力更重。友人P去年在英國修讀MA畢業,今年初趕上了尾班車申請了最後一屆的Post Study Visa,他也無法突破「宿命」,試了半年後還是決定放棄在倫敦發展,年底回香港。


例如從事文化工作的朋友Q,先是申請一年working holiday,然後有請獎學金讀書,再加兩年post study visa,用盡所有方法留在英國,她幾乎所有工也做過,劇團、翻譯、唐人街士多收銀...努力賺錢吊命交租。Q去年抽中綠卡,得到美國的居留權,去年底已搬到美國洛杉磯。



Today, many strands of my life have come together. The years that I spent as a student at St Hugh’s; the years I spent in Park Town as a wife and mother; the years I spent under house arrest - when my university, the University of Oxford, stood up and spoke up for me.

During the most difficult years I was upheld by memories of Oxford. These were among the most important inner resources that helped me to cope with all the challenges I had to face.

The memories were in fact very simple ones. Some are days like these, when I went on the Cherwell with friends in a punt, or sat reading on the lawn at St Hugh’s, or in the library - not looking at a book, but out of the windows.

But these were very precious memories – because I had lived a happy life. And this made me understand so much better the young people of Burma – who wanted to live a happy life and who had never been given an opportunity to lead one.


The most important thing for me about Oxford was not what I learnt there in terms of set texts and set books we had to read, but in terms of a respect for the best in human civilisation.

And the best in human civilisation comes from all parts of the world. It is not limited to Oxford; it is not limited to Burma; it is not limited to any other country. But the fact that in Oxford I had learned to respect all that is the best in human civilisation helped me to cope with what was not quite the best.

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