Tuesday, February 7, 2012

尿疗 (4)

Name: Drade Coda
Email: seventhnovember @ hotmail.com
Location: Westport, MA USA:
I have been practicing auto-urine therapy for about two years now. As a child I was diagnosed VERY late in the game with kidney reflux (where the valves in you kidneys allow the urine they've already processed to be dumped back in constantly, causing SERIOUS overwork. At age 10 when they finally diagnosed this to be the problem, I was positively grey.

I slew of ailments had always plagued me due to this excessive "system work" ranging from scarlet fever to heart failure and stroke. Having been through that time of mis-diagnosises and serious illness, my immune system has never been able to handle what others' immune systems can. Now, this is where the auto-urine therapy comes into play, I must say, without getting into great detail over the particular aspects of the vanishing illnessess, that this has been the only thing that has improved my quality of life substantially, I am literally feeling younger the more time passes.

Even down to the minor details of hair, teeth, eyes, nails, skin, etc. - they've all improved to an incredible degree. The before and afters are astounding evidence to what this therapy yields. -Drade Coda

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